

i wish i knew why, but every day i seem to restart at 0, where no matter what i did the day before, no matter how great and glorious it was, it doesn't really have a carry over to the next day.

it's raining out right now - i think. the wind is making its presence felt. i love change, love the constant motion of wind. i think it might be my favorite thing in the world. maybe that's why i approach each day like a new challenge - i need to. i need to know that it is different from yesterday.

i think it was c s lewis who said that God created seasons for two reasons - because we love both constancy and change. hmmm. constant cyclical change. i like it. breaks the monotony with a non monotonous routine. clever.

we're planning on heading to ontario in the fall, and i can't wait :) liss has never seen ontario, and i haven't been there in the fall since 2007, so i'm stoked . . .