
kingdom come

sometimes i want to use words to say these things that i just . . . feel, inside, in that part of you that just intuitively knows stuff and thinks stuff. we call it the gut, and i'm sure other cultures have called it different things.

at any rate, music is really the only way i've found to even begin to convey what it is i think or sense of feel when i think or sense or feel what i'm trying to convey . . . convoluted, right? i'll try again.

i have this deep, abiding hope that all will work out in the end. i can't really articulate what i base this on, because it precedes anything i learned about God, but certainly He plays a central role in it. it's captured, a bit, by the benediction "and they lived happily ever after" . . . that we all learned so well as children and promptly forgot as adults because it didn't seem to fit into what we saw happening around us. what if they DO live happily ever after? what if i could be a part of they? is that too crazy? and what if happily ever after starts right here, right now, with the story we're all caught up in every day of our lives . . . ?

here are some links to songs that feel like what i'm trying to get across . . .



(minus the little bit at the end - those who have seen the show know why it's there, but to me, for this blog, it's not part of the song that i treasure )

at any rate, i feel a little bit better get this out, because it IS something that feels like it needs to get out


sara in the sky with diamonds

She probably doesn't realize I'm doing this right now ( and is currently singing her own rendition of Tubthumping : " Sara gets knocked down, but she gets up again . . . . " ), but I'm writing out a little blog about one of my favorite people in the world right now.

There's a Final Four match going on in the background, in my room - Butler is leading VCU by three - and Sara is whistling a Christmas tune ( what are the odds), and the only other noise is the clacking of the keys and the little alert from her phone that she has a text message.

I friggin love Sara. So much.

Today has been an awesome day. In the three years since I first met Sara, I think we've got to a point where no matter what we do, we have the time of our lives doing it. Today we walked to a 7/11 in the snow, pushed a car out, took one on the chin (that was her, not me), and kinda just cozied up in front of a fireplace and watched Friday Night Lights . . .

We are now arguing over how to sing the chorus of Fare Thee Well Love.

I write this because, since we are both human beings, there will probably be a time in our friendship when we aren't close. I will do something stupid, or she will misunderstand something I did, or I'll misread a situation, or any of the plethora of ways that a relationship can go sour. And, well (ha), I wanted to kinda preserve today a bit.

Today was the day we worked her name into every song. And it was hilarious, fun, and perfect.

Thanks, Champ, for being a friend. I'm a much better human being because I met you.