
Butterfly Effect

That's right Sara - it's E-ffect. But only in this case. I think yours (you'res? jk) was affect. Meh.

I used to regret a lot of things. I used to regret how I ruined my relationship with Tamara, how I didn't go to Guelph for English, how I didn't go to Kenya to work in an orphanage right after school, how I did a ton of things in my first six months in Calgary that I never should have, and how I've done a better job of falling down than walking.

It's slowly (and painfully) starting to dawn on me, though, that not one of those things could be absent and still result in the complex kaleidoscopic picture of who I am. I can't change any of the things I used to regret and still get who I am today - and I friggin love who I am today.

While that may sound vain to some, it's great to hear from a guy who used to have such low self esteem that he would let himself be manipulated, be told what he needed, be told that this here or that there would make him happy.

To be happy with yourself, to love yourself and enjoy your own company - that is something good and holy.

So if you find yourself stuck in a moment, worrying about things in the past that you can no longer change, take a good hard look at yourself. Do you like what you see? If so, then there is no need to regret anything - because all of it, the good and the bad, the things you could control and the things you couldn't, all had a hand in making you that oh so very unique expression of humanity that you are. And if you DON'T like what you see ( and keep in mind, we're going beyond the cosmetic here - look yourself in the eye ) then let's talk about why. I'm serious. Hit me up at gregorythomasfrench@gmail.com . I'll never promise answers, but I can promise that I'll care and I'll listen.

1 comment:

  1. I like randomly following the goings on in that Greg French guy.
    When I am lost of motivation to do anything-as quite often happens- I read your blog and in most cases it gives me wings like Redbull like that advert.
    Thanks for the writing,
    i know it is a lot of labour, both to write and share it.
