
Fahrenheit 451 . . .

which, as we all know, is the temperature that the books are burned at in the self same novel.

And yes, this is another blog about the (now aborted) idea by one Terry Jones to burn Korans this Saturday.

I'm a Christian. The God that Terry Jones and I worship is probably the same God. If you read the Old Testament, he strikes you as a very intolerant God (of course, intolerance itself isn't bad - I'm not tolerant of rape or murder. See, it's all in the object people, not the act). I purposely say these things because it's so easy to distance ourselves from those who appear crazy. If people want to lump me and Terry together, well, okay then. He can be like the stereotypical crazy uncle or something.

But back to book burning for a second, because that's really what I want to talk about. What is a book? What is literature? It is the communication of ideas from the mind of one person to, potentially, the minds of millions, with the intent of sharing knowledge, perspective, opinion, humour, life . . . it is a big part of what makes us humans. No other creature communicates so prolifically every single day. Now, of course, there are going to be conflicting views - not everyone sees everything the same way, nor should they. That would be boring.

Perhaps a better alternative (though perhaps one he will never take, considering that he wrote a book called Islam is From the Devil) is to allow God (who Terry and I would agree, I hope, is the source of all truth) to show him the truth that permeates not just Islam, but all religions. I know this sounds quite universalist (and to my Christian friends, I assure you, I am nothing of the sort), but I AM a guy who has had his understanding of who God is enhanced by the works of a Muslim poet . . .

whose works I am thankful were never burned.

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