2011 . . .
it's funny, where we figure we were gonna be by a certain point in time, what kind of job we were gonna have, the financial stability we were working for now a reality and well on our chosen career path.
i had a little dream once, where i was a fantastic youth pastor with a lovely wife who worked together to infuse meaning and beauty into the lives of people around them. every day was another adventure, and every day was filled with equal parts laughter, joy, tears, hurt, and healing.
in the front of my bible, i have written, among other things, the following:
Sometimes our dreams have to die so His plans can go forward
and 2010 was about letting dreams die . . . or, more so, finally acknowledging that certain dreams had been dead for a long time. while having the courage to dream some new ones, some that i may have never dreamed were it not for other dreams no longer being played around in my head.
i have this feeling that 2012 will find me bidding farewell to other dreams, and i don't think this is a bad thing. i think as we all evolve as people, we need to realize that some of the things we thought were so worthy of pursuit are like fireflies in comparison to stars - they are so very temporary, while the actual light that has captivated us may not be as near our reach, but will prove so much more worth the challenge of pursuing it.
i sometimes talk a little cryptic here, a little vague and ambiguous, but i don't want to just tell you what my thoughts on things mean to me - fill in your own meaning where you see fit. i don't have all the answers, but i hope you enjoy whatever journey you're on, and if anything i say is helpful, then you're welcome :) we're all in this thing called life together.
I had a similar thought when I revisited my 2010 Goals list. One I accomplished (National Boards Take One), one I started but didn't complete (learn to play the guitar), one I'm making rocking progress towards (pay off school loan), but one I not only made no progress towards but i also had almost the opposite happen.
ReplyDeleteThe goal: become a certified Zumba instructor. The experience: severely roll the ankle twice and strain the right shoulder muscle, causing a complete cessation of my somewhat religious exercise regiment. Frustrating though that was, it opened up some windows into my soul that I had been sealing shut through excessive busyness and copious calorie burning.
Apparently shining Light into those dark rooms in my heart had higher priority for God than me shaking my ass at the Y. Who knew, eh?