
loverly . . . that's right, i said loverly . . .


big fan o the EITS. Also a big fan of not capitalizing the first letter in a sentence and acronyming band names (not to mention parentheses and verbing nouns).

Explosions in the Sky. Love 'em.

Sometimes I need those times where I don't want to sing along to a song, but I want music to fill the silence - other times I prefer to bask in silence. But for times when I feel the former, there isn't a lot that beats these guys, or this song in particular. The staccato guitar bits about 3 minutes in feel like something of the climax of the story this song tells . . . .

Love it.

I don't know :) Maybe it makes me feel like things that aren't okay will be, or that they aren't as bad as they seem. To me, this song just feels like hope . . . and again, hope is not the belief that everything will turn out well, but the conviction that all things will one day make sense regardless of how they turn out . . . hope says that there is something at work here greater than you and I, and says that whatever that is, one day we will see that whole story in all its majesty . . .

i know that I am nothing new
there's so much more than me and you
but brother how we must atone
before we turn to stone

Some random Ingrid Michaelson I just thought of / was reminded of. Apparently today's blog is a quotefest. I'm kinda enjoying writing it though - I had no idea I was even gonna blog today when I woke up, whereas normally I kinda work myself up to it for a bit first. So you, whoever you may be, get to experience the closest thing to stream of consciousness writing that I can produce - I'm limited by my huge fingers though.


What a difference a day makes sometimes . . . .

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